Waugh Thistleton Architects

Timber Typologies 1

Our new book Timber Typologies, is available for download.

Timber Typologies is aimed at developers, investors and policy makers, and outlines the variety of build options and methodologies available for low carbon timber construction and details the sort of building types each method is suitable or appropriate for.

The book is intended as a primer or beginners guide to the variety of timber solutions available. It will help decision makers understand the options open to them and make the right choices to deliver the best outcomes.

Timber Typologies is the first in a trio of books aimed at increasing understanding of timber construction options among the decision makers. It will be accompanied by Timber Policy – a guide to the variety of ways countries and city authorities are encouraging timber construction around the world, and Timber LCA, examining comparisons of lifecycle analysis between buildings constructed of different materials.

Contact jane@waughthistleton.com for further information.