News (Page 27/30)
24 October 2016
Andrew Waugh on Tour

Andrew is in the US this week talking about our experience in mass timber construction.
21 October 2016
Talking CLT in Maine
If you find yourself in Maine this weekend join Anthony at the Wood Innovator's Conference where he will be talking timber.
13 October 2016
Andrew Waugh talks timber in Rome

Andrew Waugh talks at the Architecture Congress in Rome.
13 October 2016
Planning permission for Aubervilliers

We recently received planning permission for our development in Aubervilliers, Ile de France. The proposal will create 58 new homes across six buildings and is due to start on site in spring 2017.
12 October 2016
Mentoring University of Westminster students

For the second year running, Waugh Thistleton will be providing support to 3rd year University of Westminster students as part of the RIBA’s student mentorship scheme.
12 October 2016
Highgate Modern Homes exhibition

Hurst Avenue properties to feature in the Highgate Modern Homes Exhibition, opening this Saturday.
6 October 2016
Insight into CLT

Watch Anthony Thistleton-Smith and Michael Ramage of Cambridge University on TRT World’s Insight discussing why we believe CLT is the future of architecture.
5 October 2016
Demolition complete at Orsman Road

Demolition works have now been completed. Removal of the ground floor concrete slab is underway.
23 September 2016
The Smile

Anthony Thistleton visits The Smile and explains to the BBC World Service why we work with cross laminated timber.
22 September 2016
Rosina Street tops out

Phillip Glanville, Mayor of Hackney, joined Mark Vlessing to top out our second development for Pocket Living. Rosina St, E9 will be completed at the end of 2016 and provide 29 new homes.