Waugh Thistleton Architects

Build-in-Wood Guide Books Released! 1

We’re thrilled to announce the release of our Build-in-Wood guides! An essential resource for anyone interested in building in timber.

The guides are a culmination of four years of work with The Danish Technological Institute alongside a team of experts from across the timber value chain, supported by the EU Horizon Fund.

The consortium, co-led by Waugh Thistleton Architects, have produced a series of instructional guides that offer a framework for building in timber. A series of three books, consisting of a System Guide, Component Selector, and Assembly Manual, detail the processes of this new timber building typology, and are aimed at anyone interested in building in wood.

We’d like to thank everyone involved in this seminal project, it has been a pleasure to work alongside such a talented and innovative team of experts!

You can read the booklets in their entirety here.