News (Page 17/30)
20 December 2018
Imagination Station At The V&A Museum

Join us this festive season to build your very own miniature modular city in the Raphael gallery of the V&A. This activity is drop-in for all the family and is part of the V&A's Christmas 2018 Imagination Station.
19 December 2018
'10 Greatest New Buildings of 2018'

Bushey Cementery has been named by The Times Newspaper as one of the top 10 greatest new buildings of 2018.
17 December 2018
WTA featured in New London Quarterly

NLA have published an article in the 2018/19 winter issue of New London Quarterly on the work of Waugh Thistleton Architects. The piece, “The Persuaders”, is featured in the Top Of Their Game section and can be found in Issue 37.
11 December 2018
Bushey Cemetery Longlisted for the EU Mies Award

We are delighted to announce that our Bushey Cemetery project has been longlisted for the EU Mies Award 2019. See our full submission on the EU Mies Award website.
29 November 2018
Designing Spaces for Creatives

Waugh Thistleton Architects' director, Andrew Waugh, is scheduled to speak at a breakfast on Wednesday 5th December about the practice's upcoming work at Sugar House Island.
20 November 2018
Dalston Works Wins World Architecture News Award

Our Dalston Works project for Regal London has won the award for Best Use of Modern Methods of Construction at the 2018 World Architecture News Awards.
18 October 2018
MultiPly at the Bloomsbury festival street party

Join us and MultiPly on the evening of Friday 19th October for "Roll up Store Street", a night time party with a twist!
18 October 2018
The making of MultiPly

A beautiful film showing the making of MultiPly and the ideas behind the installation.
8 October 2018
Factory-made Housing a Solution for London?

We’re proud to support the Factory-made Housing research, events programme and exhibition by NLA London.